Organize With Me


Organizational relief for those ready to show clutter the door. ✌️


Tired of struggling to take control of your stuff?


DO YOU . . . feel like you’re constantly cleaning up and your space still feels messy to the point you can’t fully relax?

HAVE YOU BEEN . . . wishing you could get rid of stuff you don’t need or want but feel guilty letting things go?

ARE YOU . . . ready to make changes but quickly feel overwhelmed and have no idea where to start?


What if I told you that you could…


🙌 Walk into your home and see comfort instead of chores!

🙌 Get rid of your stuff with a clear conscience and positively impact the world around you!

🙌 Have a designated place for each of your possessions!

🙌 Sleep in an environment that’s nourishing, leaving you rested and relaxed!


If you’re over there like YAAASSSSSS, then you’re in the right place, my friend!

Sarah was a godsend when she helped me downsize my home. I didn’t know where to start. She gently helped me sort, purge, and prioritize even when I had a very short time line. She then used her superb design skills to make my house an even better organized home.
— Deb M.


Let’s tackle one room or your whole house.


On-site Organizing


In-person sessions, customized solutions for all your stuff and restructured flow designed with all your favorite items to ensure you live with greater ease and comfort!

What’s Included (as needed)

In addition to the time I spend in your home decluttering and setting up organizing solutions, you get:

  • Stuff hauled away at the end of each session

  • Coordination with other service providers

  • Product suggestions

  • Shopping for organizing solutions

  • Support throughout our working time 

  • Visual mood board and aesthetic guide

  • Space planning

*NEW clients: To receive on-site organizing services, I require a minimum of 8-hours booked which will be divided into 2 X 4-hour sessions upon scheduling.



Home Refresh


Organizational relief for current or past clients — because life evolves and new stuff always finds a way in. I've gotchu!

What’s Included (as needed)

In addition to the time I spend in your home decluttering and setting up organizing solutions, you get:

  • Stuff hauled away at the end of each session

  • Coordination with other service providers

  • Product suggestions

  • Shopping for organizing solutions

  • Support throughout our working time 

  • Visual mood board and aesthetic guide

  • Space planning

At 39 years old, I was convinced that I could not change my ways. That feeling dissipated after a session with Sarah. She helped me clear everything out of my closet, thoughtfully get rid of things, and develop organizational systems designed for me. While I was initially embarrassed, Sarah made me feel comfortable to share all my worst habits, and she discussed ways that I could make small changes with a big impact on my space. Because all of her suggestions were ones that she gave me after listening to me, they are things that I actually do! It’s amazing that after almost a year, my closet is still clean and organized! I can’t wait to tackle the remaining parts of my house, so that I can welcome guests in without making excuses about why it’s a mess.
— Jessica J.



See how your life could change.


  • I’d love to give you an estimate but it’s hard to say. The rate in which your organizing project takes depends on the space, how dense the clutter is and the differing levels of client participation.

    With that said, here are some examples based on my experience:

    • Basement or garage: about 8-20 hours

    • Bathroom or pantry: about 4-8 hours

    • Bedroom: about 6-12 hours

    • Kitchen: about 8-12 hours

  • Yes and no. I require you to be available after items have been sorted into categories and are ready for a quick edit. The rest you can leave up to me!

  • You’ve got a couple of options— you could book more time with me, or we discuss the steps necessary for you to complete the organizing project on your own.

  • Organizing sessions require payment in full before each session. I accept payment via credit card and PayPal upon scheduling. Any additional time or purchased organizing products will be billed separately.

  • Nah, I wouldn’t do that to ya! I’lI help you to envision and meet your ideal outcome and get you to a place where you know what items are worth keeping and those that are not. My work helps you find the perfect amount for you.

  • Good news! The options are endless and I’m going help. I’ve curated a list of organizations in the Portland area that’ll benefit from the items you no longer want. I’m happy to take a carload of donations after each session, as well as coordinate with other service providers as needed.

  • Please give me 24-hours notice if you need to reschedule our time together. This would give me an opportunity to fill the spot with another client as I typically only work with one a day.

  • I’m fully vaccinated (+boosted).