12 Must-Purge Items Before You Spring Clean


Are you ready to welcome the freshness of spring into your home?

Before you break out the cleaning supplies and dive into your annual spring cleaning ritual, there's one crucial step you shouldn't skip: decluttering.

Clearing out the unnecessary items that have accumulated over the year is not only cathartic but also essential for making your spring cleaning tasks more manageable and efficient.

Let's take a closer look at the 12 items you should consider purging before you embark on your spring cleaning journey:

1/ Entryway items 

Your entryway sets the tone for your home. Bid farewell to cluttered shoes, umbrellas, and miscellaneous items that accumulate near the door. A tidy entryway welcomes guests and sets a positive tone for the rest of your space.

2/ Piles of paper and magazines 

Are stacks of paper and magazines taking over your surfaces? It's time to tackle the paper clutter. Sort through old mail, magazines, and documents, recycling or shredding what you no longer need.

The issue of paper clutter is a common one and can quickly spiral out of control. I go into depth on how to deal with paper clutter in my blog post 4 Effective Ways to Reduce Paper Clutter.

3/ Unworn seasonal clothing (fall/winter)

As the seasons change, so should your wardrobe. Take stock of your fall and winter clothing items. If you haven't worn them in the past year or they no longer fit your style, consider donating or selling them to make room for items you'll actually wear.

4/  Expired medication 

Your medicine cabinet shouldn't double as a pharmacy graveyard. Check expiration dates on medications and dispose of any that are past their prime at your local pharmacy. Properly disposing of expired medication is crucial for your safety and well-being.

5/ Toxic air fresheners 

Swap out toxic air fresheners laden with artificial fragrances for natural alternatives like essential oils, fresh flowers, or simply opening your windows. Purifying the air in your home shouldn't come at the expense of your health.

6/ Under the bed storage

Under-the-bed storage can quickly become a catch-all for forgotten items and dust bunnies. Take a peek under your bed and declutter any items that have accumulated there. Your sleep space will feel lighter and more inviting.

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Shake off the dust, say hello to a happier home, and finally find those missing socks!

7/ Toxic cleaning supplies

Revamp your cleaning arsenal today! Say goodbye to harsh, chemical-laden cleaners and embrace eco-friendly alternatives. With the EWG Healthy Living app, easily assess their safety while ensuring your home remains sparkling clean, all while safeguarding your health and the environment.

8/ Expired food

A cluttered pantry filled with expired food is not only unsightly but also wasteful. Take inventory of your pantry and refrigerator, disposing of any expired items. You'll free up space for fresh, nutritious foods and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

9/ Junk in wallet/purse/backpack

Your everyday carry items can quickly accumulate clutter. Take a few minutes to declutter your wallet, purse, or backpack, removing old receipts, expired coupons, and other unnecessary items. You'll feel lighter and more organized on the go.

10/ Dead plants 

Let's face it—keeping plants alive isn't everyone's strong suit. If you have dead or dying plants in your home, it's time to bid them farewell. Replace them with low-maintenance alternatives or opt for high-quality faux plants for a pop of greenery without the hassle.

11/ Decor that’s not your style 

Your home should reflect your personal style and taste. If you have decor items that no longer resonate with you (sorry mom), consider passing them on to someone who will appreciate them or donating them to charity. Surround yourself with items that bring you joy and inspiration, always.

12/ Cardboard boxes 

Are cardboard boxes taking up valuable space in your home? Whether they're leftover from online shopping deliveries or moving, it's time to break them down and recycle them. Clearing out cardboard boxes will free up space and give your home a neater appearance.

By purging these 12 items before you start spring cleaning, you'll set yourself up for success and make your cleaning tasks much more manageable. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a fresh, rejuvenated home just in time for the new season. Happy decluttering!

Questions? Comments? Drop them below — I’ve got your back, always ❤️

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